Child Development and Education

How Colors Affect Mood and Learning of Children

Colours are omnipresent, and so is the innocence of every child. Children enjoy things that are vibrantly coloured. The Arts & crafts, interiors, exteriors, decoration and many festivals and events, are pictured through colours for everyone. Colour attracts children’s attention and builds curiosity, which is how colours affect learning.  A child learning colors affect his/her mood differently. Let’s see how Child Color Psychology works.  How Can Color Affect Mood in Children? Some research shows that colours infiltrate mood, metabolism, blood pressure and adrenaline in children. Colours...

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Teaching the Virtue of Kindness to Kids

The most important thing that the parents and teachers want for their kids is healthy habits and virtues. Parents always work towards teaching moral values to the young lads through different acts and activities. The virtues that are instilled in a child from the beginning turn into habits and transform into a base for the rest of life. The fact that children learn the most during their growing years makes their early years of life crucial, both for the kid...

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